Quick ways to save money while you are expecting!

Quick ways to save money while you are expecting!

I understand that not everybody’s a natural born money saver! But when you have a little one on the way, knowing your budget is a must! I’ve been there myself so know how big of a task it can be trying to get everything prepared before the baby arrives! So I’ve put together some tips to help make sure you can have everything ready and prepared without having to break the bank!

Do Your Homework 

When you are buying new products that you’ve never necessarily had to buy before, it’s always to a good idea to do your research before you make the purchase! By doing a bit of googling and reading some reviews, you’ll be able to see which ones give you the best value for your money before you splash out!

Ask For Formula Samples

If you choose to bottle feed, ask for samples! You can contact the formula companies directly or ask at the hospital. Don’t be shy, it never hurts to ask!

Go easy on the starter nappies

Start with only one pack as often babies might not even fit into them. And remember babies grow fast! So stocking up on hundreds of packets in advance may not be the best idea.

Forget the fancy toys

You’ll soon find that babies are just as content with smaller price tags than they are with designer goods, so there’s really no need to splash out on expensive toys! If they’re anything like mine, they’ll probably find more enjoyment in the packaging then the actual toy!

Don’t buy lots of shoes

Before baby is walking, and perhaps even for a while after, baby shoes aren’t very necessary! Socks will do just as good a job at keeping those little feet warm.

Wait on the maternity clothes until you really need them 

Ignore the urge to buy maternity clothes until you really need them! You never know how big that bumps going to be. Also when it comes to maternity wear, I’d advise shopping in charity and second hand stores as you don’t want to be splashing out on clothes that you won’t be wearing again for a good while at least.


Save baby’s clothes for future siblings

It’s always a good idea to put your baby clothes away once the little one has grown up a bit, you never know! If you don’t plan on having anymore you can always donate them to charity!

Buy things that last

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you might be surprised how often you find yourself buying things that are poorly made or disposable. Invest in sturdy stuff that can be handed down from generation to generation (or at least from baby to baby).                                                                               

Skip the baby tub                                                                                                                

Baby grows quickly, and the sink makes a pretty nice tub in those beginning months. 

Make your own baby food

When baby starts to eat solids, toss cooked veggies into the blender with a bit of liquid, and save the meals in ice trays — the money you’ll save makes it worth the extra effort.

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