How taking a photo could save a life!

How taking a photo could save a life!

Please pass this on to other parents, the more that know about this the better!

It’s absolutely unbelievable to think that this photograph has saved a little boys life! Mother of two year old Avery Fitzgerald took the photograph on her iPhone of her son when she noticed that she could see something in the back of her sons eye in certain lights.



When she took the image she had read online that pupils that shine White in photographs could be a sign of cancer!

She immediately took her little boy to hospital where they had confirmed that tumors had taken over 75% of his eye due to the dangerous condition retinoblastoma.

 As a result of this, Avery’s eye had to be removed to prevent the cancer from spreading to his brain. This mothers use of flash photography is similar to the ‘red reflex’ test’ doctors use to detect tumors in the retina.

So guys if you have any concerns about changes in your children’s eyes then be sure to make an appointment with your doctor!

Please pass this on to others with children so they can be aware of the signs.

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