Animal testing finally BANNED!

Animal testing finally BANNED!

New laws passed in Australia acknowledges for the first time that ‘animals have feelings too!’ as animal testing is finally banned there.

This has obviously come as a boost to welfare campaigners as the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill passed this week includes a ban on the use of animals for testing cosmetic products.

The bill reads: ‘It reads that animals, like humans, must now be recognised as sentient beings  – as they are capable of feeling pain and distress.’

This is a big breakthrough as animals have never been recognised by the law as capable of feeling pain and distress!


In the UK, it has been illegal to test cosmetic products on animals since 1997 however up until 2013 you could still buy cosmetic products that were tested on animals (just those products were not tested in the UK). The EU outlawed it two years ago.

Animal testing is completely wrong in my opinion and I’m pleased that Australia have finally recognised it as being a criminal offence!

In no circumstances should animals have chemicals tested on them!


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