How to survive the benefits cap!

How to survive the benefits cap!

So as it is revealed that the government is freezing and then capping any increase in child benefit and working tax credit, some people are understandably starting to worry about the cuts. 

As this could take a large hit on many people, the only option they feel like they’re faced with is to start making major cutbacks now in preparation of the big benefit shake up, and if you’re worried about struggling yourself then there are some steps you can take in order to budget your spending and therefore cope better with the cuts.

It is important to remember that the cuts will come into practice gradually so you will not be hit suddenly in one go, therefore if you start budgeting now making small changes will help you greatly. Here are some ideas to start thinking about putting into practice.


– Check your other benefits

There may be a way you can get more help with childcare costs, mortgage interest payments or there may even be local council grants available to you which you weren’t aware of. Visit benefits charity Turn2Us for independent advice.

– Cut down your food bill

There’re definitely ways you can cut down your food bill if you really put your mind to it.
CLICK HERE to find out how I save £400 a year on my food shop! 

–  Cut your energy bills

Even if you’re on a prepayment meter, you can still switch provider and save £100’s a year.                             CLICK HERE to find out ways you can heat up your home without the use of central heating.

– Try to give your pay a boost

If you’re working in a job you hate, now might be a good time to start broadening your horizons in the hopes of something which will increase your pay. If you are looking for a quick way of making money then have a read of: 5 quick and easy ways to make £100. 




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