Beware of this banking scam!
There is a new banking scam going around and the scammers are making things so believable that I think EVERYONE should be made aware of the signs!
The scam text messages are sent to your phone posing as your bank, and can be so clever that they even appear in your banks actual text thread with their previous texts. The text messages will claim that fraudsters have attempted to access your account in a bid for you to ‘update your details’ so that the scammers can access your acount.
The texts encourage people to call a number or visit a website, often claiming the matter is urgent. But the phone number or website is actually controlled by the fraudster, enabling them to steal security details that can be used to access the victim’s bank account and steal money.
The Financial Fraud Bureau is warning people to be extremely suspicious of any text messages that ask you to provide sensitive personal information, passwords or to make transactions
Always remember that banks NEVER ask people to update personal information by following a link in a text message, nor do they ask them to transfer money into another account for fraudulent reasons. So no matter how legitimate the text may seem, ALWAYS ring up a number you trust before you do either of these things.
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