Eviction over an unpaid £4 fine

Do you think this family faces eviction over an unpaid £4 fine?

But wait until you find out why…

Aisha was caught not paying her train fare and she received a £4 fine.

However, Aisha didn’t pay the fine because she ‘forgot’ and the fine quickly escalated to over £650!

The fine has been left unpaid for over 3 year now and the it currently stands at £653.30

Her mother, Sharon, has had bailiffs at her door lately and even though Aisha moved out of her mothers property a little while ago, the address on the court papers is Sharon’s so they are chasing the debt from her property.

They have offered to pay the bill in instalments, but unless the cash is handed over by the end of this month, Sharon’s property will be taken.

Sharon has now been in touch with Citizens Advice for some help and advice. They have said it’s another £300 every time the bailiffs call.

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