Facebook grants account life after death!
This is possibly one of the strangest headlines I’ve read for a while! Facebook have now enabled its users to select a friend or loved one to run their social media account after they die!
The ‘legacy contact’ will be able to respond to new friend requests, update the profile picture and cover photo and write a pinned post on the profile. Previously Facebook had frozen an account of a deceased user to serve as a permanent ‘memorial’.
This new feature means that users over the age of 18 are able to add and remove their chosen contact via their account security settings.
The designated user will not be able to remove or edit previous posts, photos or anything else on the timeline.
According to ITV news Facebook has suggested that the contact should use this access to ‘share a final message on your behalf or provide information about a memorial service and add old friends or family members who weren’t yet on Facebook.’
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