F&F Clothing Fashion Testing Blog

Ashleigh Money Saver has recently started doing product testing for retailers and our first one was for F&F Clothing.

What I decided to do was to give my team the chance to become the testers as they do such an amazing job, Sam was selected as the tester for F&F clothing, here is his review of F&F.

‘When i was told I’d been selected as the first product tester and given a  voucher to spend on clothes at F&F in our office prize draw my first thought was ‘i’ll get something for the kids’ – my only experience of buying the brand was from trips to Tesco when invariably we end up finding something for the three of them, whether it’s school uniform or some bargain t-shirts or pyjamas – but I’d never even gone as far as the men’s section, so was surprised to be told that it was me the voucher had to be spent on!

wk25_uk_mens_clp_stamp5When it comes to clothes I’m like a lot of blokes – i found the brands and style I like when I was in my twenties and with the convenience of online shopping and a distinct dislike for trailing around the high street (especially with three kids in tow) my clothes shopping tends to involve about half an hour online once or twice a year (I’m pretty sure I still have t-shirts I bought in the 1990s – which probably makes them vintage when I think about it!). When it comes to budgeting I’m pretty bad too – those brands I found 15+ years ago weren’t cheap then and they aren’t cheap now, but I always thought if you want quality you have to pay for it…

So, with a bit of trepidation I logged on to the F&F website and clicked on the men’s summer range to see what I could get for my spends that would see me through the summer holidays. My expectations were low – £30 would normally get me a t-shirt at best so I was pretty astounded to find what looked like decent t-shirts, shorts and shoes coming in under £10. In about 5 minutes I’d filled my cart with a pair of cargo shorts, some denim shorts, a nice v-neck t-shirt and I even had change left over to grab some socks and a cap. I put in my discount code and bingo – £30 of clothing was on it’s way. 

I was genuinely intrigued to see what the quality would be like – all that for £30? it had to be good for a couple of wears then ready for the charity shop, right? well, wrong actually – the bundle arrived 2 days later and the clothes are spot on, the fit is great, the quality is as good as the brands I usually go for and I’m already 2 washes in with no signs of wear and tear and no charity shop visits on the agenda anytime soon. I showed my wife and got the thumbs up – when I told her what they cost she said ‘yeah, I get loads of stuff from F&F’…seems I’m late to the party, but better late than never :)’

CLICK HERE to shop F&F Clothing



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