Parents still being forced to pay fortune for school uniforms!

Parents still being forced to pay fortune for school uniforms!

I’ve been debating about the prices of school uniforms for a long time now. I even had the opportunity to discuss my views on Good Morning Britain a while ago as I felt so passionate about it.

There are so many great back to school deals in the likes of Aldi, ASDA and Tesco this time of the year, however, so many school still insist that parents only buy their items from the school directly which is extremely expensive! Especially for those parents who have more than one child attending, this can really put a big hole in somebodies pocket.

Primary schools tend to generally be more lenient with the rules surrounding uniform and my two youngest children wear a basic uniform which can be picked up from anywhere. However, my step son is in high school and his uniform has to be bought directly from the school. Believe you me it’s not cheap. 

I have spoken to some of the local schools in my area who insist on only accepting uniforms bought from themselves directly. One school said: ‘Our uniforms must be bought direct from ourselves or specialist shops to ensure a top quality uniform.’

Another said: ‘Our uniforms have our logo on, for this reason, we sell them from ourselves or specialist shops only.’

While most schools argue that they insist on specialist shops because of the quality of the uniform, I would argue that the quality is just as good from high street shops such as Marks and Spencer or Asda and Tesco.

On average, families with school-age children spend £316 a year on uniform items for secondary school and £251 annually for a child at primary school. Obviously as a fellow money saver, this is a number I’d love to get right down!

This is why I have decided to take action and start my very own petition on behalf of parents across the country!

If you agree that the price of uniforms are unreasonable, then join me on my mission to get this issue acknowledged by parliament!

CLICK HERE to sign the petition to put a stop to parents being forced to buy exclusively from the school! 


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