These money saving life hacks by students should make you laugh…
What is your best money saving hack? Let me know along with a photo and I will add it to the list
These quirky money saving gadgets have saved students a few pound.
Students have been sharing their money saving, home made, gadgets on and have now been shared thousands of times.
Broken wing mirror? Just use a hairbrush with a mirror on the reverse side!
No shower head? Simply puncture a pop bottle…
Simply attach a ruler to a tin lid to make yourself a pizza cutter.
How on earth could you possibly break your sofa that bad?! But if you do, simply place a chair inside the sofa!
Holy sock? Fear not! Simply colour in your toenail to match your sock, obviously!
Simply turn a stool upside down and you have yourself a bin!
Why pay for a BBQ when you can build your own?
Who need over priced Beats when you can use juice/milk bottles as speakers?
Because shower curtain hooks would set you back 50p, you may as well improvise!
Hopefully you have found some money saving inspiration, or even had a giggle. Remember to send in your money saving hacks and I will give you a mention 🙂