Did you know about trains seat guarantee scheme?

Did you know about trains seat guarantee scheme?

How many of you have ever had to stand up on a train journey? There’s nothing more annoying, especially when you’ve actually paid to reserve a seat.

But did you know that if your reserved seat isn’t available for whatever reason when you get on the train, you are entitled to compensation?

Virgin trains seat guarantee scheme means that if your seat isn’t available and their staff can’t locate an alternative seat for you, you can claim compensation for the inconvenience .

You’ll be entitled to compensation for the inconvenience if:

  • Your ticket is one way, you’ll be compensated 100% of the value of your ticket.
  • If your ticket is return, you’ll be compensated 50% of the value of your ticket.
  • If your ticket is First Class and the only seat available is in Standard Class, you’ll be compensated the difference between the fare you paid and the equivalent Standard Class fare.

How to make a claim:

If your reserved seat is not available and an alternative seat can’t be found anywhere on the train, the Train Guard will endorse your ticket and seat reservation coupon for you to make a claim. If for any reason your tickets have not been endorsed, please send the tickets to Virgin trains with by a full explanation so they can consider your claim.

CLICK HERE to read more about the Seat Guarantee Scheme.



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