Asda has cut the cost of unleaded petrol!

Asda has cut the cost of unleaded petrol!

Asda have today announced that they have cut the cost of their unleaded petrol by up to 2p per litre! Motorists won’t be paying any more than 105.7 per litre at any ASDA filling stations from now on.

Unlike other retailers who work on ‘average prices’, Asda is the only retailer that has a national price cap on fuel at all of their filling stations meaning customers always know the maximum price they will pay at the pump regardless of where they live.

RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams said: “This is yet more good news for petrol car drivers who have enjoyed prices coming down in August as a result of a barrel of oil staying around or below $50 since the end of July. It’s very encouraging to see savings in wholesale petrol being quickly passed on to motorists at the pump.

“This should also have the very positive effect of reducing prices from other retailers around the country. Hopefully this will drive the average price of a litre of unleaded down well below its current level of 111p, back towards the six-year average low of 106p a litre we saw in January.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article over on Asda’s website.

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