Experts are urging a rethink on plans to axe free school meals!

Health experts urging rethink on plans to axe free school meals!

The Governments plans to axe free school meals have recently been revealed and apparently it has caused outrage amongst Health Experts causing them to call for a rethink.

The £600m free school meal service, which gives every child in a state school a free healthy cooked lunch, is top of the list of schemes to be cut in the latest wave of cuts but there are concerns that the move will worsen the growing obesity problem amongst children.

ITV reports: ‘In a letter to the Sunday Times (£), consultants, dentists and health officials said the move was “short-term thinking”, arguing that the scheme should be made “the bedrock” of a new anti-obesity policy. It simply is not right in this day and age that we have children turning up at school with a packed lunch, with a slice of white bread spread with chocolate paste and a fizzy drink,” the letter said.

They have also called for more to be done to tackle advertising of unhealthy products and tax on sugary drinks.

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