How would you like to eat your Christmas dinner at Hogwarts?

How would you like to eat your Christmas dinner at Hogwarts?

Are you a massive Harry Potter fan? If so then your Christmas might be about to come early!

The Warner Bros Studio Tour company has announced that fans can enjoy their Christmas dinner in Hogwarts’ Great Hall, even for those of you who aren’t fans, you must admit it does sound amazing!

Attendees will enjoy a two course Christmas Dinner with all of the trimmings being laid on in the Great Hall.

Guests will even be presented with their own wands once seated after drinks and canapés.

Guests can then enjoy their dessert bowls on the Hogwarts Express followed by Butterbeer on Diagon Alley.

Does this sound like a dream come true? Well unfortunately it does come at a price. Tickets are £230 per person and are 18+ only, but it does sound like a once in a lifetime experience

CLICK HERE for more information on the Warner Bros Studio Tour

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