Mans shock at what he finds in his Subway sandwich

Mans shock at what he finds in his Subway sandwich

Have you ever ordered from a fast food resteraunt only to be disappointed with your food? Well probably not as angry and disappointed as Matt Jones’ friend was from the US when he opened his Subway sandwich!

This is actually disgusting and has put me off sandwiches for life, but amongst the spinach he discovered an entire mouse!

Matt, from Oregon in the US, later posted a snap of the rodent sandwich on Facebook.










He captioned it with: “Look at that Beast of a mouse in the spinach at Subway today!

“Good thing we didn’t bite into it! AMAZING! WTF!!! The manager was in shock!”

Matt added: “It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, but also the most disgusting. I laughed because I was like, no way did this just happen.”

Subway has since said that the resteraunt was thoroughly cleaned and the customer given a refund.

CLICK HERE to read more over on ITV News.

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