Mum’s plea to put down smartphones goes viral

Mum’s plea to put down smartphones goes viral!

This woman’s experiment is definitely an eye opener!

One mother has been urging parents to put down their smartphones after noting how many times her sons looked to her for attention or approval while they were playing.

She noted 28 times in the period where she would have been using her phone.


When posting the results of her experiment, she wrote:

‘Today I did an experiment, I watched my boys play. As I sat quietly in the corner of the room I tallied how many times they looked at me for various reasons: to see if I saw their cool tricks, to seek approval or disapproval for what they were doing, and to watch my reactions. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was on some sort of technology what message would I have been sending?

28 times my angels would have wondered if the World Wide Web was more important than them. 28 times my boys would have not received the attention most adults are searching for. 28 times my loves would have questioned if they were alone emotionally. 28 times my kids would have been reassured that who you are online is what really matters.

In a world where we are accepted as who people perceive us to be and not who we really are, in a world where validation comes from how many followers or likes we have, in a world where quality time with loved ones is being replaced by isolation and text messages from the other room, I beg you to be different.

Please put down your technology and spend some time with your family & loved ones.
The next generation of children is counting on us to teach them how to be adults, don’t be too busy on social media, you never know who is watching and what message you are sending.’

What do you think of this? Will it convince you to put down your phone?

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