Best money saving food hacks!
We can’t avoid the weekly food shop bill, but we can take a few steps to try and reduce it …. and also reduce waste in the process. Here are some clever little food hacks for you all to start practicing.
1.Top tip for making bananas last much longer.
Do you struggle to get through a full bunch of bananas in your household before they become inedible? Well this little trick could see your bananas last up to five days longer than they usually would. All you have to do is wrap the crown of the bananas with cling film in order to get them to last longer.
2. Keep your greens crisp.
A great way of keeping your greens such as celery, broccoli and lettuce crisp is to wrap in tin foil before storing it in the fridge. Believe it or not they will stay crisp for up to four weeks or more.
3. Know where to look in the supermarkets.
It’s a well-known fact that that grocery stores put more expensive items on the shelves that are at eye level. For this reason I encourage everyone to look up and down before picking something up so you are able to get a good idea of the best deals. Try not to pick up the first thing you see. Another trick that lots of supermarkets are guilty of is placing ingredients like dairy and produce on opposite ends of the store so that you’re forced to go through all of the aisles. Try saving money by shopping the perimeter.
4.Don’t let fruit and veg go to waste
If fruit and veg is about to go bad and you know you’re not going to get through it, why not freeze it? This will be perfect for smoothie ingredients and will give them a nice consistency.
5. Freeze leftover wine.
Do you struggle to get through a bottle of wine? Why not freeze the leftovers in an ice cube tray? The next time you’re practicing a recipe that needs a drop of wine, you can just throw one in. Or you can add it to next weekends glass of wine to keep it nice and cold without going watery.
CLICK HERE to read morning routine life hacks for Mums.
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