Bottle Propping Disgrace

Bottle Propping Disgrace

Last night my attention was drawn to another money saving page, and I must say it was for all the wrong reasons and I’m actually quite disgusted at what I saw.

The money saving page posted this ‘bargain’ last night and judging by the comments, I’m not the only Mother who was extremely disappointed that any company would promote such an unsafe product in the hopes that they will make some money off the back of it.

bottle prop

There are hundreds of reasons why this is highly inappropriate. The main one being the most obvious that the baby could quite easily choke.

Not only is this a serious choking hazard, it is also the cause of ear infections, and is discouraged due to less interaction with parents. Obviously feeding your baby is a very personal bonding experience with your child that you would never get from bottle propping.

If that wasn’t bad enough, bottle propping is also one of the main causes of tooth decay in babies and could occur as soon as the teeth appear.

CLICK HERE for a full article on the consequences of bottle propping.

Alternatively, you can look here at the NHS’s advice regarding bottle propping.

I’m a passionate money saver who prides herself on giving her followers the very best bargains at the best prices. If this fellow ‘bargain site’ really cared about the service they were providing then they would not dream of trying to make money from potentially dangerous items. Especially when It’s a small child being put at a potential risk.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue, so feel free to join my poll below and share this article with your friends if you feel as passionately about this issue as I do. Let’s try and raise some awareness guys.

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