How To Set Up Electricity In Your New Home

Are you moving home soon? It can be a minefield with all the different things you need to remember to do!

However, my guide on how to set up electricity in your new home should help

First off, it helps to know which kind of meter you will have in the new property.

Prepayment meter – Just like topping up a pre-pay mobile phone, you top up your electricty meter when needed. You use a key or token to top up in a number of places such as supermarkets, local shops, petrol stations etc. By doing this, you are more likely to be in control of how much electricity you are using, the downside is it is more expensive and if you forget to check your meter you may run out of electricity at the most inconvenient times.

Credit meter – Your bills are calculated after you have used the electricity and you can pay by a direct debit every month – meaning no trips to the local shop in the rain when your electricity runs out. It is also cheaper than a prepayment meter but you aren’t able to keep an eye on how fast you are using electricity.

Moving in day

The day you move in, contact your chosen supplier and give them your first meter reading. This will make sure you don’t end up paying for the past tenants electricity usage. Your electricity meter should be located somewhere in the property or communal area if you live in a flat. The electricity meter will be measured in kilowatt hours (KWh). If you live in a flat and you can’t tell which electricity meter is yours, either ask your landlord or your supplier. To take a reading, note down any numbers in black and leave out any in red.

In the future

It is very important to take frequent meter readings to give you an idea of how much energy you use – this can help you budget accordingly. If you don’t, you’ll get an estimated bill, which tends to be more expensive.

It helps to make sure you are on the cheapest tariff for you. I recently switched energy suppliers and saved £430 a year – thats an extra £35 a month in my pocket. Check here no to see if you can save any money…

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