Was the head teacher right to issue this warning to parents?

Was the head teacher right to issue this warning to parents?

I recently did a post explaining about how a school issued a warning to parents asking them not to turn up for their children wearing their PJ’s.


That particular post definitely sparked some mixed emotions amongst parents, and I’d love to hear your opinions on this latest warning.

One Primary school has been forced to send this letter out to all parents:

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‘The increasingly blue language being used on the primary school’s grounds and outside its gates has upset some pupils while others – as young as five – have begun copying them. The note from Heathcoat Primary School in Tiverton, Devon, said: “We have sadly noticed that some adults have been swearing on the school grounds.’

Whilst some people are appalled that this warning would even need to be issued in a Primary School, others think that these warnings are getting out of hand now and It’s not the school’s place to tell parents how to speak in the presence of children.

I know this issue will no doubt receive a mixed response from parents as we all have different opinions and views on certain matters, but I’d still love to hear all of your thoughts. Would you agree that this is a step too far on the school’s behalf? Where will the warnings end? Or do you feel that this is absolutely necessary seeing as though children as young as five are copying the language.

Obviously this language can’t be tolerated in young primary school aged children. Join the poll.


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