Motorists Beware Of Car Insurance Scam ‘Flash For Cash’
It seems as though scammers will go to desperate lengths these days to get money out of unsuspecting victims, although the police are doing their best to protect us from the criminals, it seems as though the best thing we can do is know what to look out for and be vigilant.
Police are now warning members of the public to be careful of the latest car insurance scam. It is being referred to as the ‘flash for cash’ scam and involves a driver flashing their lights to let a car out of a junction and then deliberately crashing into them.
The scammers are targeting newer vehicles and vulnerable road users including older people and women who have children in the car.
According to BBC news, the scam is costing insurance companies hundreds of millions every year. The malicious act has developed from an older scam which involves criminals slamming their breaks on for no reason so that a victim drives into the back of the car. They even go as far as to remove brake lights so that the unsuspecting driver behind them has no warning of them stopping.
These accidents can make criminals thousands of pounds from claiming for things like whiplash, loss of earnings, fake bills for vehicle storage, recovery and repairs.
The police and fraud experts are currently trying to raise awareness for these crimes in the hopes that more people will know what warning signs to look out for in order to avoid falling into the traps.
It is helpful to remember that flashing car lights are not meant to be used as a signal to let other drivers out onto busy roads, for that reason it is always best to use your own judgement rather than trusting another motorist.
The Highway code states: ‘”Flashing headlights. Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users. Never assume that flashing headlights is a signal inviting you to proceed. Use your own judgement and proceed carefully.”