Get A Free First Aid Guide From St John Ambulance

Get A Free First Aid Guide From St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance is giving away a free first aid guide, so in an emergency you will know what to do. We hope you’ll never need to use the guide but if you do it could be very helpful.

The guide covers six helpful first aid areas. Including

  • Choking
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Help When Someone’s Unconscious
  • The Recovery Position
  • CPR
  • Heart Attacks

The guide is pocket sizes, so you can carry it around with ease and it will always be handy if a dire situation occurs.

UK residents are the only people who can redeem the guide, but people outside of the UK can check the first aid advice online, download a free first aid poster or download St John Ambulance’s free app.

It would be good to make a donation to St John Ambulance by visiting their website or by texting ‘Aid’ to ‘70030’ for a £5 donation. Click Here for St John Ambulance’s Donation page.

Click Here for your free First Aid Guide.

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