How to get charity donations

I am often asked a lot if I know how to get charity donations

I have put together this guide which should hopefully come in helpful for anyone organising a charity event.

I get around 20 requests a day for charity donations and I can’t donate to them all. Right now I donate to one charity so I have put together a handy list for anyone looking for donations.

Follow these tips and they should help you get donations for raffles, tombolas or any other event you may be organising for charity.

  • Type up a document with a little information about the charity, why you are raising money and ask for a donation no matter how big or small. Print it out and distribute to the manager of business in your local area.
  • Call local businesses and ask to speak to the manager. This can be a bit daunting and it can also be time consuming for management so if the business is close enough, pop in instead.
  • Email companies and attach your document you wrote earlier.
  • restaurants are often over looked when you are looking for donations – try asking some local restaurants if they could provide a voucher for a free meal.
  • Charity bag packing is a great way to raise money.
  • Do you know any friends who have their own small home business? Ask them for a donation in return for some publicity.
  • Make sure you can offer something in return for anyone who donates. This could be a mention on social media, a mention on flyers etc.
  • It is useful to report back to the company that made a donation about how their donation made a difference. Not only is this a lovely way to say thank you, it also provides them with information to show they are making a difference in their community and are more likely to make donations again in the future.
  • Do research on other charity events on in your area – try not to allow your event to clash with another as you could lose potential customers.

I hope these help get you started. If you know any tips I don’t, please let me know 🙂

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