Paying for a landline you never use? That’s about to change!

Paying for a landline you never use? That’s about to change!

How many of you have a landline in your home? And how often do you actually use it? I bet It’s a very rare occasion when you make a phonecall from it now the majority of us have smartphones.

Despite this, thousands of us are still forced to fork out for a landline in order to receive free broadband. A huge one in five households never use their landline and yet are still paying up to £25 a month.

However, this could finally be about to change. The Culture Minister Ed Vaizey has described this as misleading and annoying. 

Vaizey said, ‘You get these headline prices which are misleading.People should pay for what they use.’

‘Some people want to get rid of their landline entirely and pay for their broadband.’

BT and other broadband companies could be banned from charging householders for landlines they don’t use in the near future.

The advertising watchdog  and media regulator will issue new rules on how packages are marketed.

Mr Vaizey admitted that it might mean prices go up for other products, but at least people know what they are buying and they can make a proper comparison between different providers.

A BT source said the matter was an “industry issue” but that the meeting could result in “the landline price [being] included in the broadband price to make it clearer.

 Read more on this story! 

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