Adopting these simple habits could help make you much richer
I know how hard it can be for some people to save and budget themselves for the month. However, there are some very simple everyday habits that could help you along the way. The sooner you start adopting them into everyday life, the more money you will have. And there’s no need to take any drastic measures.
Here are my top steps to take to help make yourself richer:
Coupons & Voucher Codes
Do you tend to do he majority of your shopping online these days? If so then you could be missing out on huge savings and discounts if you aren’t looking for online voucher codes. You will find hundreds over on the voucher code section of my website. Even if there aren’t codes promoted on the retailers website, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any to be had. Could be worth doing a quick Google search to see what you can find, and also sign up to retailers email newsletters so you’re the first to hear about exclusive discounts.
Spending Diary & Budget
It may sound obvious, but creating a budget for yourself is probably the most successful way for you to become richer. The less you spend, the more you have. That being said, I know its easier said than done. A sspending diary could be a great help. It will help you get a good idea of your spending from week to week. From this you will be able to see where you are going wrong and what you could cut out.
Return past purchases
Have you had a bit of a spending spree lately? I know spare of the moment purchases may seem like a good idea at the time, but once we get home the novelty usually wares off pretty quickly. How many items of clothes or shoes do you own that have never even been worn? Take back recent purchases that you don’t actually NEED. You’ll feel much better for it in the long run.
Only buy what you need
Are you paying for things that you don’t necessarily need? For example a television package with lots of channels that you don’t watch? If so then consider cancelling it. You can save a fortune by doing this. Get into the habit of only buying what you need in supermarkets too. It’s no use trying to save by bulk buying and falling victim to the special offers section if half of the food is going to go to waste.
CLICK HERE to read my top five ways for mums to make money.
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