More Post Offices Are Set To Move Into WHSmiths
With in the next year up to 61 more post offices will move in to WHSmiths stores. In the past 10 years over 100 post offices have made the change of location to be inside one of the many WHSmith store, Whilst leaving just 300 crown Post Offices located on a high street.
The change will be made to ensure that the local post office will be there for years to come. High property value and changing of customer habits are the causes of the proposed change. A 10 year plan has been agreed between WHSmiths and the post office that means post offices can be located inside a WHSmith store.
The change is going to “bring new investments to the network”. says the Post Office’s chief executive Paula Vennells.
Even though specific locations have not been announced, some of the 39 crown branches will be include in the change. Once the locations have been decided the staff of the post offices will be the first to know. This is due to disruptions that may be caused. Including, disruptions the staff will face with their daily routines and they may need time to make new arrangements, regarding transport and working hours.
Stores which have already made the change claimed that it has benefited the branch and improved customer service.
General manager of the Post Office’s Crown branch network, Roger Gale, stated
“Today’s agreement means we can maintain and improve services from convenient high street locations in a commercially sustainable way. It’s great to be working with a partner that we know shares our values and is as committed to thriving Post Office branches.”