Young girl fat-shamed in Matalan.

Young girl fat-shamed in Matalan.

A Matalan customer has caused outrage as she told a size 18-20 woman that she was ‘too big’ to wear a bikini, and as you can imagine, everyone on social media is appalled. 

24-year-old Jessica Portelli has taken to Facebook to tell her story and so far her post has had thousands of shares.

Jessica was shopping for swimwear when she picked up a two piece ready to try on for her holidays. When she got to the changing room she overheard a woman saying, ‘girls like her shouldn’t be wearing a bikini‘.

As you can imagine, the young woman was left furious by the comment, but managed to hit back in the most amazing way.

Not only did Jessica post a photo of herself wearing the swimsuit to Facebook alongside an inspiring message about being body confident no matter what your size.

She then went and confronted the woman whilst wearing the bikini.


She said: “When the woman said it to me I just responded straight away telling her, ‘Girls like her shouldn’t be telling girls like me what they can wear.’

“I’d just held up the bikini so I could have a look at it before I tried it on when she said it – she was laughing at me too.

Don’t you agree that Jessica is amazing for promoting self-confidence no matter what shape or size you are? I think this is an amazing comeback to nasty comments.


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