Minecraft hacked

Minecraft hacked

There is a new hacking making headlines every day, today it is Minecraft…

My son is a HUGE Minecraft fan and I’m sure many of you will have Minecraft fanatics at home too.
7 million people are thought to be at risk by the Minecraft hack.

Lifeboat Minecraft: Pocket Edition server is what has been hacked – I have absolutely no clue what this is as I don’t understand Minecraft one bit, I’m guessing it is important though since 7 million people are affected.

Luckily no personal information was stolen but your password could be at risk – so go and change your password now.

To help keep yourself safe incase of future attacks, make sure you have a different password for every account you hold.

Please pass this on to friends and family who have children who play Minecraft so they can change their password.

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