Facebook May Be Posting All Of Your Photos

Facebook May Be Posting All Of Your Photos

Did you know that there is an option on Facebook that allows access to all of your photos? Once you have taken a photo Facebook automatically posts it on your account and many people don’t know.

People started to find out about this problem when they would find pictures on their account they didn’t upload themselves. After looking for the cause of this, people have found out that there is a ‘Sync’ feature for photos. This is only on mobile devices, and it uploads all photos after you take them. People have been annoyed as just one press of a button allows all of your personal photos to be published on the internet, and once the on the internet it is hard to get them off.

This has become a big problem for some people who have used over half of their storage on this feature. There is an easy fix for this problem however. This will need to be done on a mobile device.

First, you need to do is go on to Facebook, then into the photo tab. There should be a ‘synced’ area. Once inside select the cog and select the option of turning syncing on or off, whilst there you can also selected if you want to be able to sync over just WI-FI or over WI-FI and cellular.

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