5 tips to have the ultimate road trip

5 tips to have the ultimate road trip

Fancy a road trip that doesn’t cost a fortune?

Road trips can become expensive but they don’t have to be! Especially if you share the expenses with friends and you all chip in.

  1. Use a website such as petrolprices.com to find the best price for fuel. You can search patrol stations throughout the UK and find the best price nearest to you.
  2. Do you plan on eating on the road? Taking a packed lunch is the cheapest option but if hitting a motorway service station for a Burger King is more your style, download ‘Moto Deals’ app which gives you discount in Moto service stations. You usually find offers such as 20% off, buy one meal get one free, 2 meals for £10 etc. You simply show the offer on your smart phone to claim.
  3. If you plan on visiting a certain place and stopping over for the night? Is it cheaper for you to book a hotel just outside of your destination? We visited Blackpool a few year ago for one night and it was £75 cheaper to stay 5 mile away from the town centre. Or why not camp? You can set up camp in a number places absolutely free – just remember to take your rubbish home with you!
  4. Rather than buying drinks on the journey, take a bottle of water and top it throughout the journey – drinks at service stations are very expensive.
  5. Think about your transport. Don’t be too harsh on your peddles when driving as this uses more fuel and make sure you empty any unnecessary  junk from the trunk as the extra weight will again use more fuel.
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