Four signs a job is right for you
Pursuing your dream job can be challenging. Job hunting can be a full-time job in itself and, on top of this, you’re questioning whether a role is right for you. It can be difficult to decide what is a necessary rung on the ladder and when you’re simply getting diverted from your passion.
1) The prospect of working there excites you
This might sound quite simple but too often it is something that we over look. We focus on the shoulds and the shouldn’ts instead of our own gut feelings. When a job is right for you, you are going to be excited about finding it, excited about applying for it and so very, very excited about getting through rounds of the application. If you aren’t daydreaming about your new life in this job, it’s time to rethink.
2) You can see real room to grow
Progression can be a bit of an interview buzzword but, at the end of the day, it boils down to being able to see the scope for your own personal growth with a company. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about rising through the ranks because maybe that isn’t what you want. Largely, the days of staying in one job for decades are gone. Identify your end goal and where you want to be in one year, five years or ten years and then think tangibly about what you’re going to gain from this role that will get you there.
3) You aren’t clock watching
There has been a dangerous trend in recent years of people trying to out-busy each other and this threatens to create an unsustainable work-life ratio. However, there is a lot to be said for being busy during your working day and not watching the seconds tick by as you wait to go home. In general, boredom often strikes when you don’t feel challenged in a role so before accepting a role, try and contrast the job specification to your current or previous responsibilities. Think about the tasks you currently enjoy and those which you loath and try and make sure you’re shifting towards more of the former and less of the latter.
4) Your would-be colleagues look happy
It can be difficult to take much in if you are wracked with nerves at an interview, but try and really take stock of what is happening around you. If appropriate, ask for an office tour and look at how your would-be colleagues are behaving. If you can see a bunch of people who seem happy and are interacting with each other, that is a great sign of what the company will be like to work for. If all you see are blank faces and bored expressions, you would do well to wonder why. Often the most positive work experiences come about as a result of the team you’re in, so be honest with yourself about whether or not you are a good fit for the company.