Mother stopped from breastfeeding in Mothercare

Mother stopped from breastfeeding in Mothercare

During National Breastfeeding week too!

National Breastfeeding week is a campaign which is supported by Mothercare, bringing awareness to breastfeeding and offering support to breastfeeding mothers.

Mother Clare Shaw sat down in her local Mothercare store when a member of staff approached her and asked her if she would use a back room as customers had complained in the past about mothers breastfeeding in the store.

Clare said “I felt really upset and vulnerable. I thought perhaps I was breaking a rule or a law,” said the shocked mum. It was only later that I felt quite angry. I wasn’t made to feel that moving to a private room was optional. I felt as if I was being banned from breastfeeding, in ­Mothercare of all places. I ended up feeding Elsa in the car. I’ve fed Elsa in museums, restaurants, cafés and shopping centres and usually no one bats an eyelid. It was the first reaction I’ve had like that.”

Mothercare have now apologised; “Mothers can nurse their children anywhere on the ­premises and, for those who prefer some privacy, we provide ­comfortable feeding ­facilities. As our Edmonton store is being refurbished and there are building workers on the premises, we suggested our customer may be more comfortable using the feeding facilities. We apologise for any misunderstanding.”

The 2010 Equality Act made it unlawful for a firm to discriminate against woman who is breastfeeding.

Do you think it’s time we stopped moaning and allowed women to feed their children the way they would like?

Do you have anything against breastfeeding?

Let me know what you think of this story over on my Facebook page…

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