Six killer tips for writing the perfect CV
Regardless of whether you’re looking for part-time or full-time employment, your ability to obtain a job primarily comes down to the strength of your CV.
It is estimated that the average recruiter spends just six seconds looking at a CV before getting an initial feel of whether the person is suited to working in their organisation, so having a strong and correctly presented CV can make all the difference.
We take a look at some of the key tips for drafting a CV and some of the essential aspects to include in such a document.
1. Keep it honest
People are naturally inclined to exaggerate on their CV. However, this is a serious faux-pas that can come back to haunt you, either in the job interview or after you’ve been given the role. It is important to remember that many employers will carry out a background check. This can either result in you being caught out in the interview or result in your employer thinking you are a liar. No one wants that, so keep it honest in your CV.
2. Distinguish between paid and voluntary roles
No one wants to look like they cannot hold down a permanent job, so make sure that it looks like you can commit and stick to a job. Volunteering is an important and a highly desired skill, but the last thing you want to do is have a scattered CV in terms of roles. Distinguish between the two and keep it clear.
3. Don’t leave employment gaps
Everyone goes through periods of unemployment, however, try not to leave substantial gaps in your employment history. If you’ve been out of work for a long time, try and spin it by including some voluntary work or skills that you developed during that time.
4. Make sure it’s mistake free
There’s no room whatsoever for typing errors or simple mistakes on a CV. Nothing puts an employer off more than bad grammar or poor spelling. Use your spell checker on your computer but also have a friend, teacher or family member look over your CV to help you. Another fine tip is to print out your CV and read through it on paper. This can often help preventable errors being spotted.
5. Make it punchy and to the point
No one wants, or has the time, to read your life story. As a general rule, CVs should be no more than two pages long. Use bullet points and smaller fonts to help you pack more into your document, if needed.
6. Present it, don’t just send it
A CV is your first chance to impress a potential employer so make sure it is neat, tidy and leaves a lasting impression.
When drafting a CV, there are a number of steps you can take to stand out to employers. However, the most important part is to be yourself, be honest and show your passion and desire for the job. Include a personal statement, tailor it to the role you seek and make sure it shows you in your best light