You Could Be Using Your Mobile Data, Even When You’ve Got WiFi
Have you been going through a lot of data while using your iPhone? There are many possible reasons for this, however, there is one reason many people don’t know about.
There is a feature on the iPhone called ‘WiFi Assist’. This feature allows your phone to use your mobile data, even when you are connected and should be using WiFi.
Many people don’t know about this feature because the only place it was really advertised was in the apple terms and conditions, and lets be honest, no-one really reads them.
The reason it is automatically enabled and didn’t not ask if you wanted to disable it, is because you agreed to the feature being on when you agreed to the terms and conditions.
The WiFi assist was added to your device if you have IOS 9 or later.
If you want to disable this function follow these instructions:
Go to Settings> Mobile Data> Disable ‘WiFi Assist’ (At the bottom)