Yet To Sign-Up For Your Free 30hrs Childcare? HURRY The Deadline Is Today!

Have you registered for your free 30 hours a week childcare yet? If not then you’d better be quick, the deadline is today!

If you haven’t already heard, the allowance for free childcare was originally 15 hrs free per week, but the government have recently upped the allowance to 30 hours, which means you could get up to 1,140 hours free per year to spend on whichever childcare method you choose.

You will be eligible if you have a child aged three to four who lives with you or aged two if you already claim benefits such as income support, ESA or income based job seekers allowance.

You must also be in work 16 hours a week at living or minimum wage or be on parental or sick leave. This includes your partner if you have one. You must also be earning less than 100,000 per annum.

To apply, visit’s website and complete form FCC1. Once HMRC receive your form they will see if you are eligible and will write to you with their decision within ten days. If you are eligible you will be sent a reference number which you will need to claim your free childcare in September.

The government have reportedly guaranteed that if if you apply by the 31st of August you will be guaranteed a place despite some delay in the validation process.

So if you’re eligible for your free 30hrs childcare don’t delay, because the deadline is today!




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