Do You Struggle To Buy New School Uniforms?

Did you know you could be eligible for financial help from your local council when buying school uniforms?

Do you struggle to make ends meet when buying your kids’ new school uniforms? You could be entitled to help from your local council depending on your circumstances.

Eligibility will depend on each council but ordinarily they will take in to account your financial situation- you could qualify if your annual income is under £16,190. They may also look at whether you receive benefits such as job seekers allowance and national asylum seekers support.

The eligibility will also count on the area you live in, the school your child is attending, the school year that they’re in and your child’s age.

Not all councils are involved but if you contact the government they will be able to tell you if your local council is involved in the scheme.

The amount you get if you do qualify will also vary place to place, but some parents it has been reported, have received grants from £45 up to £150 to help with their purchases.

So, if you’re struggling to afford sometimes costly uniforms for your children and need help, go to the GOV.UK website and the service will be able to assist you in finding out if the grant is available in your area.



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