Sainsburys 25% Off Tu Clothing

Sainsburys 25% Off Tu Clothing 2017

The 25% discount comes off everything in the TU range automatically at the checkout and also includes anything in the sale.

Every year we try and predict the dates based on the previous few years 25% off events.

For 2016 we got 5 out of 6 dates correct.

We have now attempted to predict the dates for the 2017 events, you can find them listed below.

Please remember, these are predicted dates and I can’t guarantee they will be correct but I update the post and confirm the date nearer the time when I hear from one of my Sainsburys insiders.

These are the dates for last year:

  • 22 – 28 March 2016  – confirmed
  • 20 May 2016 – confirmed
  • 16 August 2016 – Perfect time for school uniform – confirmed
  • 20 – 26 September 2016 – confirmed
  • 25 – 31 October 2016 – This included clothing, shoes, accessories and Halloween outfits. – confirmed
  • 28 November or 29th November – 5th December 2016 – confirmed

These are the dates that the promotion should be running this year:

  • 14  February 2017 – Confirmed.
  • 11th April 2017 – confirmed
  • 4th July – rumors
  • 15 August 2017 –  confirmed
  • 19 September 2017
  • 24 October 2017
  • 27 November 2017

Feel free to pass this on  🙂

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