Do You Know About Tesco and Home Bargains Hidden Promo Codes?
a varied dairy section of a supermarket with different prices on the shelves

Supermarket giants Tesco and Home Bargains have added a code to their shelves to tell you when their promotions end!

Savvy shoppers always keep an eye out for Tesco’s yellow labels, but some might miss the hidden dates they pop in the codes on the bottom of those labels. The six digit code on the bottom of the yellow labels let you know when a deal will expire. If the code on the bottom of the label read “190831” that means the offer ends on 31st August 2019. Reading the numbers in reverse gives you the date the offer ends, so 190831 = 31/08/19.

The codes aren’t always 100% accurate, but give you a good idea of how long you have to grab yourself a really good deal. This will be useful for people who are prepared to buy in bulk for the things they use more regularly. By buying in bulk and stockpiling some essentials, you can save more and shop less, so be sure to keep an eye out for these handy little codes next time you’re doing a weekly shop!
supermarket beer shelves from a low angle stocked professionally and neatly

They are not the only supermarket to utilise these codes either- in the bottom left of the shelf notes of special offers from Home Bargains, you’ll see “reg” or “one”. “Reg” means this is a recurring deal, so the discount will most likely be back soon. “One”, on the other hand, means that this deal is a one time offer, so if you’re umm-ing and aaah-ing over a deal with a “one” code, you should decide pretty quickly because that deal isn’t as likely to return!

One time offer, or “on the reg”– pretty simple to remember, codes wise.

Whenever you’re shopping in supermarkets, it’s worth checking the lower shelves for a better price- supermarkets often put the more premium priced products at eye level to maximise their own profits, so checking the bottom shelf is always worth a quick peek!

Will you be using these codes to get the most out of your weekly shop? Let us know in the comments below.


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