Save Money On Your Sky Movies

I posted this a while ago but I have heard it is now working again so it is well worth giving it a go…

These instructions used to be based on checking your account via your TV with your remote. I am not at home so I can’t check if this is still the case, so if you try and it works please let me know.

  • If you have Sky Movies, log onto ‘My Sky Account’
  • Go to the downgrade section and click ‘remove Sky Movies’
  • It will ask you why so click the ‘I cant afford it option’
  • Then it will ask you ‘Are you sure you want to cancel Sky Movies?’
  • Click ‘Yes’ It should then offer you Sky Movies for £5 a month for 3 month instead of £16.50
  • Then click ‘Accept Offer’

However, I have just done this offer on my computer and it worked for my Sky account as follows…

  • Go to and sign in
  • select ‘My Sky’
  • Then go to ‘View my package’
  • Then you want to select ‘Remove Sky Movies’
  • It will then load a new page offering you a reduction on your Sky Movies
  • You can choose to stay and accept the offer
  • If you choose not to accept the offer and want to stay a customer, simply close down the page

  • Let me know if it works for you 🙂

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