Netflix accounts hacked, here’s what to do if yours is affected!

Netflix accounts hacked, here’s what to do if yours is affected!

It has emerged that hackers have hacked into Netflix’s system and have stolen customers details to sell online.

Obviously this is a massive inconvenience for Netflix users and nobody wants their personal details accessed. This would allow other people to log in via your account and use it for free.

Details are being sold online for less £1 on the black market with Netflix users left completely unaware they are paying for someone to watch movies online.

To see if your account is one of the ones targeted, take a good look at your recently watched section, if there’s anything on there that most likely hasn’t come from you, it could be an indication that you have been hacked.

To prevent any unknown sources accessing your account, go to your account page, and select the ‘Sign out of all devices’ option. This will log the hackers out too.

Next you should change your password so they won’t be able to sign back in.

It may be worth doing this action even if you don’t spot any suspicious activity just to prevent anybody who may be thinking about accessing your account in the near future getting on there.

CLICK HERE for more information on this.


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