Switching Broadband Could Save You £100’s

Switching Broadband Could Save You £100’s

Older broadband packages are generally much more expensive than the newer ones, so by switching provider now, you could save yourself £100’s. First things first, ring up your current provider. By asking about your usage and whether or not you have the best deal they can offer, you are planting the seed that you’re considering switching broadband. This is terrible news for your provider and they’ll more than likely offer you some great deals in a desperate bid to keep your custom. However, don’t say yes straight away.


Secondly, start comparing broadband deals, it may sound like a long and lengthy process but it really isn’t. Price comparison sites make it extremely simple for you and it only takes around 20 minutes of your time. That’s including the time it takes to actually sign up to your brand new cheap deal.


People on standard deals  typically pay BT £360/yr, TalkTalk £240/yr, Sky £290/yr and Virgin £410/yr. By switching broadband to one of the latest deals on their websites you could get your price brought down to just £258 upfront for 18 months.

For more information on this, please visit: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/phones/cheap-broadband

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