Budget Supermarkets Are Outdoing the Posh Ones!

Budget Supermarkets Are Outdoing the Posh Ones!

More and more of us seem to be choosing budget supermarkets such as Aldi, over the more expensive ones such as Waitrose!

Aldi has now kicked Waitrose off the number six spot for biggest super market chain which means more of us are getting on board the money saving train! At Aldi’s present rate of growth, it is set to take the number fourth spot off Morrisons by next year!

If you feel like you need to be saving more money on your big shop, then follow some of my top tips and join the poll to find out which super markets are the favourites with you guys!


. Plan Ahead!

 Create a detailed shopping list based on your needs and weekly menu plan, also take into account how you plan on using your leftovers. Spending some time pre planning your meals for the week ahead could be a great way to help you avoid overbuying and over eating.

 . Stock up on staples!

Its always a good idea to ‘bulk buy’ on your favourite products when they’re in the sale, but only if its something you know you go through a lot of! If you won’t use it, don’t buy it! Its only pennies you could be saving for something useful.


. Use Sales and Coupons!

Planning your shopping around whats on sale is a great way of cutting costs! Especially if you use coupons too. Again, just make sure, you’re buying things you will actually use!

. Cook From Scratch!

I know how tempting it can be to pick up the phone and order a dominos ‘Two For Tuesdays’ after a hard days work, but fight it! Cutting back on takeaways could save you up to £800 in a year and inches off your waist!

. Use your points

Use your clubcards! Racking up the points on your clubcards can only help if you actually use them, I’m the worst for letting my store cards sail along for months and even years without a second thought! Next time you’re at the till, ask how much your points are worth and you could make a big saving!


 Join The Debate !!!

[wpsqt name=”Supermarket Poll 9th April” type=”survey”]

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