All student grants scrapped by the Government!
All student grants have now officially been abollished by the Government.
The grants were in place to help students from low income families through university, but now the funding has been cut despite strong opposition. The move was passed without any vote or debate in the house of commons.
Students were previously given grants of up to £3,387 but they will now be offered more loans instead. The cuts are set to affect over half a million university students.
According to the Iinstitute Of Fiscal Studies, the poorest 40 per cent of students will now graduate with debts of up to £53,000, as opposed to the current figure of £40,500.
From September 2016, students will get a higher loan of up to £8,200. Unlike a grant, this full amount will eventually have to be paid back to the government when the graduate starts earning over £21,000 a year.
George Osbourne argues that the reason for this decision was that the student grants have become inaffordable, and thinks It’s ‘unfair’ to ask the tax payer to fund these grants for students. It seems like many others will probably disagree.
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“It’s ‘unfair’ to ask the tax payer to fund these grants for students” yet the government continues to waste far too much of the tax payers money each year. That being said, I’ve been a student for the past year (between working a part-time job) and don’t have to pay anything until next year, and the only option I’ve ever heard about is a student loan. Furthermore, you only repay when you earn over £21,000 and the repayments can be quite small amounts.
Its hard enough for students now ! I feel for the kids that want to go to uni but are put off because when they do eventually Graduate they have a humongous debt to pay back. There is no real help for young people. How about investing into the college and uni students instead of lining the pockets of the greedy people in charge. I have never understood why mps get paid so much and bankers even local council officials. Same old scenario the more well off seem to be better looked after. The kids who are trying to better their lives are always held back