Amazon launches music streaming service in the UK.

Amazon launches music streaming service in the UK.

As if the Amazon Prime package wasn’t tempting enough, Amazon have now launched a music streaming service that will be available to Its UK customers.

You can sign up to Amazon Prime for an annual subscription of £79, and for the price you get a range of services including on-demand video streaming, free next day delivery from Amazon’s online store and a kindle lending library.

The new prime music will give prime customers access to more than one million songs and around 500 specially created playlists. Prime music customers will also have access to the CD’s or MP3s they have bought at Amazon’s store. 

Amazon said the US launch of Prime Music last year had been “incredibly successful”.

Amazon say: ‘If you were to take a lot of the other better-known streaming services out there like Rdio, Rhapsody, Deezer, Tidal and Google Play All Access, we have more active users in any given month than all those ones have combined. The only thing we can say with certainty is that we’re going to see the way people to listen to music change. Being the one place where you can make all those choices in the same place, you can buy CDs and vinyl, you can buy downloads or you can stream – I think that’s the best place to be right now.’

CLICK HERE to find out more about Prime Music!

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