Anyone fancy a money makeover?

Anyone fancy a money makeover?

Yourself, a relative or even a friend?

We all love a make over, the anticipation of what you will look like at the end and the excited feeling when you’re pleased with the result.

Imagine how good it would feel if you had a money makeover? You could be left with serious extra cash at the end of each month!

Can you say ‘yes’ to any of the following statements?

  • I am in debt
  • I spend way too much
  • I have no money left at the end of the month
  • I am a secret spender so my partner doesn’t know how much I spend
  • You want to save for a dream holiday

If you can relate to any of those statements then Nine Lives Media would love to hear from you!

They are making a TV show and their team of money experts would love to help you give your finances a make over so you can boost your bank balance.

If you’re interested in this please contact [email protected] or give her a call on 0161 832 2007

Please pass this on to any friends or family you think may be interested…

Anyone fancy a money makeover?

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