Do you own Apple products? You are more at risk of scams.
How many of you own Apple products? Well did you know that owners are more likely to be targetted by scammers?
3. Free/Low cost Trials – In a nutshell, these scams entice you to sign up for unbelievable offers for a trial price of £2-£5 pounds and then once they have your card details, they start billing you every month for £89-£99 pound. It’s in the small print and as long as they send you the sample they are not breaking any laws. However, this is morally wrong and they are causing people stress and aggravation when they try to cancel and reclaim the money.
It sounds ridiculous, but apparently scammers are deliberately going out of their way to target Apple users experts are warning. This is because they feel that Apple users are more likely to have ‘disposable income.’
Experts are encouraging Apple users not to take any chances with security after another scam has been reported. The latest scam comes in the form of a text message encouraging users to give their details claiming their Apple ID’s were about to run out.
Expert Grham Cluley told The BBC: “It tried to grab personal information and credit card details with the aim of committing identity theft.”
“They deliberately took advantage of people’s trust in the Apple brand to steal information.
“Avoid clicking on links in emails because they might take you somewhere phishy. Instead go to the website directly and log in that way.”
Here are some tips to help you avoid being a victim of scammers:
– Use secure sites only. Only secure sites will change from http to https at the beginning of their url when it loads. Look out for this before you decide to purchase something online! Also make sure you protect your computer with antivirus software and firewall protection before you put your bank details in anywhere online.
– Be aware of phishing. Phishing is a trick in which spam or pop-ups pose as legitimate banks or businesses in a desperate bid to obtain your personal information. If they fool you into handing your information over, they will then use it to access your accounts. So again, always verify that you’re on a familiar website with security controls before you enter any bank details or personal data!!
3. Free/Low cost Trials – In a nutshell, these scams entice you to sign up for unbelievable offers for a trial price of £2-£5 pounds and then once they have your card details, they start billing you every month for £89-£99 pound. It’s in the small print and as long as they send you the sample they are not breaking any laws. However, this is morally wrong and they are causing people stress and aggravation when they try to cancel and reclaim the money.
CLICK HERE to read more on how to help protect yourself from fraud.