
Don’t fall for this Apple scam

Don’t fall for this Apple scam It looks genuine at first glance… There is a new Apple scam going around and it looks a lot more believable than the ones that have happened in the past, I think a few people may fall for this so please help spread the word. You receive an e-mail […]

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Credit Cards

Points don’t always mean prizes with credit cards

Points don’t always mean prizes with credit cards They’re the high street name credit cards which offer you a little bit extra when you spend – they’re the credit cards which give you loyalty points for your favourite shop, no matter where you’re spending. For example – want Tesco Clubcard points when you shop at […]

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Customer Service. Who Comes Out The Worst?

Which? have done a poll on customer service from a number of retailers… You may be surprised at the results! Which? have compiled the 100 best and the 100 worst companies for their customer services. Having good customer service is vital in this day and age for a business. If a company does something to […]

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Jobs Board

5 CV tweaks to get an interview

5 CV tweaks to get an interview If you have sent out hundreds of CVs and you’re not getting a response, it’s time to get real and take a good long look at your CV. Print it out, look at it carefully and get out the red pen. Sometimes you can uncover simple issues that […]

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Jobs Board

How to find a job on Facebook

How to find a job on Facebook We know we waste far too much time on Facebook, soaking up memes of angry cats and commenting on our friend’s lunch, but did you ever think about getting a job through the world’s biggest social network? Yes LinkedIn is the professional social network, but it’s not quite […]

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Get Paid For Mystery Shopping

It’s a question I am asked a lot, can you get paid for mystery shopping? And where can you apply to do this? This guide should help you weigh up the pros and cons of mystery shopping and help you decide if it is worth you doing it…   Pros You are paid to be […]

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Jobs Board

Unconventional job hunting strategies that work

Unconventional job hunting strategies that work It’s a Herculean task to find a job in the current climate and you know there are sometimes thousands of applicants for every meaningful position. So how can you take yourself out of the race to the bottom and put yourself in pole position for a new job? Well, […]

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Jobs Board

How to use LinkedIn to boost your job search

How to use LinkedIn to boost your job search Social media platform LinkedIn is a useful resource for any job-hunter. LinkedIn has 17 million users in the UK and 332 million users worldwide. While that may not match the reach of Facebook, it has the distinct advantage of primarily being a business tool. The average […]

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Woman ‘squirted her breast milk’ at a complainer

Woman ‘squirted her breast milk’ at a complainer What do you think of this? The incident is said to have happened in a park in Dartford, Kent. There was a post put onto ‘Dartford Gossip Page’ on Facebook which read; ”To the lady in Dartford park who thought it was appropriate to breastfeed her baby whist my […]

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Money Saving

List of Retailers On eBay

Do you like to buy from major retailers but have paying full price? Then this list of retailers on eBay will be right up your street! These retailers have an eBay store, you can often buy products cheaper on their ebay store than they are selling instore or directly from their website… Argos AO Clarks […]

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Jobs Board

Six killer tips for writing the perfect CV

Six killer tips for writing the perfect CV Regardless of whether you’re looking for part-time or full-time employment, your ability to obtain a job primarily comes down to the strength of your CV. It is estimated that the average recruiter spends just six seconds looking at a CV before getting an initial feel of whether […]

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Jobs Board

Four signs a job is right for you

Four signs a job is right for you Pursuing your dream job can be challenging. Job hunting can be a full-time job in itself and, on top of this, you’re questioning whether a role is right for you. It can be difficult to decide what is a necessary rung on the ladder and when you’re […]

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