
This Facebook message left one woman £3,300 in debt!

This Facebook message left one woman £3,300 in debt! I read Ann-Marie Deaton’s story in the news this morning and found it absolutely heart breaking. It’s terrible to think that people would be cruel enough to scam people so close to Christmas, but hopefully by sharing this story, people will be more vigilant when receiving Facebook […]

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Marriage Allowance – Are you entitled? What you should know!

Marriage Allowance – Are you entitled? What you need to know! Marriage allowance allows you to transfer up to £1,060 of your personal allowance to your husband, wife or civil partner. By adding this to their personal allowance, this will mean that they’ll pay £212 less tax in the tax year. It was the government’s intention […]

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Halloween costume safety! What you should know!

Halloween costume safety! What you should know! Serious concerns have been raised over children’s flammable Halloween costumes. It is important that parents are aware of the potential safety risks before buying their children’s costumes. It has been revealed that they can catch fire within seconds. Parenting group Channel Mum conducted tests on trick-or-treat costumes from […]

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Ideas to help us save £600m on our energy!

Ideas to help us save £600m on our energy! It has been reported in the news today that families in Britain could collectively save over £600 million a year simply by switching gadgets off. More than three-quarters of people admit to regularly leaving at least two devices on standby and 53% admit to leaving the […]

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Home visit from one of Santa’s Elves & Xmas Eve gift box!

Home visit from one of Santa’s Elves & Xmas Eve gift box! Imagine how excited your little one will be when one of Santa’s Elves turns up at their door personally delivering them a gift! There’d be no other Christmas surprise quite like it and the Elf will even bring with them some magic snow. Little Bird […]

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Amazon sues people leaving fake reviews, spot the fakers!

Amazon sues people leaving fake reviews, spot the fakers! Amazon has said that they are going to begin to sue 1,114 people for leaving ‘false, misleading and inauthentic’ reviews on their website. When it comes to buying products online, I am a firm believer of conducting some thorough research and reading reviews before splashing the […]

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Dad avoids £120 fine for taking daughter away in term time!

Dad avoids £120 fine for taking daughter away in term time! There has been lots of controversy surrounding the issue of parents taking their kids away during term time. There is a penalty of £60 for parents to pay if they do. The fine then goes up if parents refuse to pay. Jon Platt, 44 was […]

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5 crucial selling tips for eBay success!

5 crucial selling tips for eBay success! If you are looking for a quick and easy way of making money, then eBay could be the answer to all of your prayers! eBay is an ideal little business venture for students, mothers or just anybody looking to make a bit of spare cash because it is […]

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Mobile phone companies doubled the charge for 118 numbers

Mobile phone companies doubled the charge for 118 numbers USwitch have discovered that a string of mobile phone providers have hiked their charges for calls to numbers starting 084, 087, 09 or 118 The comparison site warned that consumers could find themselves paying more to vote on Tv shows etc … ‘USwitch found that some […]

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New M&S ‘members club’ loyalty scheme

New M&S ‘members club’ loyalty scheme Are you an avid M&S shopper? Well if so then I have some news that you might be interested in. Marks and Spencer is to reward It’s shoppers based on how often they visit to buy food and clothing in their new scheme. The move is aimed to encourage […]

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PPI, are you due a second bite of the cherry?

PPI, are you due a second bite of the cherry? With the threats of a PPI payout deadline becoming more and more likely, there has never been a better time to start the process of reclaiming yours! So far more than £20 billion has been paid out for PPI mis-selling to more than 10 million […]

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Mans shock at what he finds in his Subway sandwich

Mans shock at what he finds in his Subway sandwich Have you ever ordered from a fast food resteraunt only to be disappointed with your food? Well probably not as angry and disappointed as Matt Jones’ friend was from the US when he opened his Subway sandwich! This is actually disgusting and has put me […]

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£10 off Family And Friend Railcard!

£10 off Family And Friend Railcard! This is a great saving for those of you who enjoy the odd family day out somewhere via train! A family and Friends railcard would normally cost £30 for one year, but with this deal you can get it for just £20. All you have to do is select […]

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Warning as hackers steal millions from UK Banks accounts

Warning as hackers steal millions from UK Banks accounts I have just seen a warning issued on both ITV and the BBC news websites regarding hackers stealing millions from UK bank accounts, along with a virus affecting thousands of computers. ITV news have reported: ‘The warning from the National Crime Agency (NCA) came after it […]

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