
Extra hour TV a day can cost teenagers two grades at GCSE.

  Extra hour of TV a day can cost teenagers two grades at GCSE. Are your kids at GCSE age? If so then you might be tempted to crack down on TV to Revision ratio after you’ve read this! We all know Television can be a big distraction when it comes to preparing for exams, […]

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Money Saving

Best money saving food hacks!

Best money saving food hacks! We can’t avoid the weekly food shop bill, but we can take a few steps to try and reduce it …. and also reduce waste in the process. Here are some clever little food hacks for you all to start practicing. 1.Top tip for making bananas last much longer. Do […]

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Money Saving

Young Drivers Guide To Cheap Car Insurance

  Young Drivers Guide To Car Insurance Although the price of car insurance for under 25’s is continuously going down, it is still far from reasonable! Especially since the average premium for 17 – 22 year olds is £1,217 per year. I have decided to write this guide to help ensure you save as much money […]

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Mum demands babies should be BANNED from planes.

Mum demands babies should be BANNED from planes. I can understand why people get stressed on flights when they are sat in front of children who can’t settle or constantly feel the need to kick the back of the chair whilst you’re trying to relax. But would banning babies from flights altogether be a bit […]

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Could you be risking your life for energy drinks?

Could you be risking your life for energy drinks? This comes after a man died from his energy drinking intake… How many people do you know who struggle to get through their day without at least one energy drink? There are hundreds of versions on the market, and lots of my own friends often start […]

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Free MAC Mascara

Free MAC Mascara Mac are giving away a free mascara sample. They done this offer last year and the mascara keep going out of stock super quick so make sure you get in quick. The freebie is a trial size of false lashes extreme black mascara, it is the same one as they gave away last […]

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Mum’s plea to put down smartphones goes viral

Mum’s plea to put down smartphones goes viral! This woman’s experiment is definitely an eye opener! One mother has been urging parents to put down their smartphones after noting how many times her sons looked to her for attention or approval while they were playing. She noted 28 times in the period where she would have […]

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Top 5 tips for flying with a baby!

Top 5 tips for flying with a baby! Are you a new Mum and are taking your little one on their first trip abroad this Summer? Well I know flying with a baby can be an extremely scary and stressful thought, but don’t panic! Here are my top 5 tips to help make your babies […]

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Is your child going to bed at the ‘right’ time?

Is your child going to bed at the ‘right’ time? A primary school in America posted a chart on their Facebook to help parents understand what time their child should be going to bed. Although they thought they were doing a good deed, it hasn’t gone down too well with parents across the globe after […]

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Read this before putting babies in their car seats!

Read this before putting babies in their car seats! This isn’t really money saving but I definitely think it’s worth a post to help make others aware. Warnings have been issued about the heat this week and we all know to protect our littles ones with plenty of suncream in the scorching weather, but not […]

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Recall on this medication, It’s found to be scamming customers

Recall on this medication, It’s found to be scamming customers Personally, I think this should happen in the UK too… How many of you have Nurofen products in your medicine cabinet? Well you may want to think twice about purchasing them again. The company have been forced to recall some versions of their products which are exactly […]

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Money Saving

How taking a photo could save a life!

How taking a photo could save a life! Please pass this on to other parents, the more that know about this the better! It’s absolutely unbelievable to think that this photograph has saved a little boys life! Mother of two year old Avery Fitzgerald took the photograph on her iPhone of her son when she […]

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20% off school uniforms at Marks and Spencer!

20% OFF school uniforms at Marks and Spencer! Perfect time to purchase some new uniform – never pay full price. If you have a little one who’s in School then you’ll be pleased to know that Marks and Spencer  have 20% off their school uniforms range very soon. Although the summer holidays are almost upon […]

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David Cameron argues ALL parents should do parenting class

David Cameron argues ALL parents should do parenting classes David Cameron has expressed his plans to make sure all parents enrol onto a state-backed parenting class in order to learn how to ‘raise their children properly.’ As you can imagine, this has gone down like a lead balloon amongst lots of families who disagree with […]

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