Money Saving

2-4-1 cinema tickets all year for just £2!

2-4-1 cinema tickets all year for just £2! Make a trip to the cinema a regular thing with this fantastic offer… If you’ve been crying over the loss of the Orange Wednesdays cinema deal that ended last year, then we might have just the money saving offer for you. Everyone loves a trip to their […]

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Money Saving

Five clever (but completely legal) ways of cutting your tax!

Five clever (but completely legal) ways of cutting your tax! Did you know that every year savers lose £1.3 billion a year by failing to be tax efficient! There are some tricks you could be missing if you feel like you are paying way too much of your money to the tex man. Have a […]

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Home & Garden

Which party offers more to first-time buyers?

Which party offers more to first-time buyers? Over the last few months and weeks we’ve all heard a lot of promises coming from the mouths of the UK’s politicians about how they’re going to help us to have more money. Who you choose to believe could have a big impact on who gets your vote […]

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5 Secret Tips For Finding The Best Amazon Discounts!

5 Secret Tips For Finding The Best Amazon Bargains, Discounts, Vouchers! Amazon is a great place for finding amazing deals on pretty much anything you desire, from cosmetics to white goods, you’ll find the best deals here! However when it comes to money saving, there could be a few tricks that  you’re missing. I’m forever […]

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Money Saving

My one big secret for dramatically cutting food costs down!

My one big secret for dramatically cutting food costs down! Basically guys I’ve worked out that if you’re extremely clever with your freezer like me, then you could save up to £400 a year on your food bill! It is estimated that we throw away £700 worth of food a year, and one of the […]

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Money Saving

Airlines Now Charging £88 To Sit Children Next To Parents

Airlines Now Charging £88 To Sit Children Next To Parents Are you thinking of taking the kids away this summer? If so then you might be shocked to learn that airlines are now charging families an extra £88 just to be sat together on their flights! I know this is the last thing we need, and […]

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Baby & Toddler

Letting your baby nap in car seats could be deadly!

Letting your baby nap in car seats could be deadly! Guys, do you let your baby nap in their car seat, swing or baby bouncer? If the answer is yes then experts have said this could potentially be a deadly move! Apparently, research now shows that allowing a baby to fall asleep in the car […]

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Cheapest European Weekend City Breaks!

How To Find The Cheapest European Weekend City Breaks! Are you looking for a bargain weekend away this year but don’t know where to go to get the biggest bang for your buck? Well don’t worry, because thanks to a strong pound to euro ratio and falling prices across the eurozone you can now find […]

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Money Saving

How to claim back children’s flight tax!

How to claim back children’s flight tax! You may of heard that tax on under 12’s flights were abolished on May 1st 2016. This is good news for those of you thinking of going away this year, however I know lots of you will of already booked your flights for after that date. Not to worry […]

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Money Saving

How to escape increasing road and rail transport costs

How to escape increasing road and rail transport costs If you have to travel regularly, it’s hard to escape the feeling that the cost of transport keeps going up. In January, the average price of rail fares in the UK increased by 2.2%. The price of petrol, which decreased briefly earlier this year, has already […]

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Money Saving

Five ways to save money on your food bills

Five ways to save money on your food bills How close is your relationship with your local Dominos delivery driver? Is there food left going off in the bottom of your fridge at the end of the week? Are Ben and Jerry your favourite companions on a Saturday night? With the average yearly food bill […]

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Amazing and Unexpected Ideas For Wedding Cakes!

Amazing and Unexpected Ideas For Wedding Cakes! If you or a family member have a wedding coming up this year then I know how stressful it can be putting the final touches in place! But don’t worry, if it’s inspiration you’re looking for then I have just the thing! Have a look at these un […]

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Home & Garden

Will interest only mortgages be the next mis-selling scandal?

Will interest only mortgages be the next big mis-selling scandal? The PPI mis-selling scandal was one of the biggest things to rock the banking world in recent years, with many financial institutions being hit with hefty fines and millions of consumers rightly being compensated. If you believe you were mis-sold a policy there is still […]

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Money Saving

Mind Blowing Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Aircon

Mind Blowing Ways To Keep Your Home Cool Without Aircon So with Summer just around the corner, and the weather finally starting to shape up, you might be struggling to keep your home cool without turning the air conditioning on. Air conditioning uses energy which can be expensive. So try following a few of these useful […]

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